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Is the Devil the Leader of this World?
Corruption, corruption, everywhere we look there is corruption. It appears to be everywhere.
The people of this planet have a pattern. That pattern is pretty simple really. We float people into a comfortable position. They are like sheep. They have a car in the drive. There is a house. There are wives and children.
Then it all goes wrong. The wives get divorces because they are not really happy.
The children are racked by this and often turn out wrong as they have no guidance.
The man gets laid off and has no income. This may last years. So he no longer can afford to support his own children.
Then there are the people that never got married. These are busy making a living and trying to give their children a life. Often they are unsupervised. Or the grandparents are basically raising them.
Then you have the corporations. They have no conscious morale or ethical natures. It is all about making money. The accounting dictates what happens. Like the jobs going away to overseas locations where the people are really poor and will work for nothing. Welcome to the American Nightmare.
In this country it has always been like this. History will tell the tale. It is only in modern times have things really been different. That common people have had so much prosperity.
The pattern is it will end. That the good times will go bad and people will suffer the consequences.
This has happened before.
We have a form of royalty here. Even as we have royalty in other countries. The royalty here is based on the ability to have and maintain riches. To be rich, means one has to keep standards. It often means a club of people in college that later prosper and share that prosperity with their friends. Many of our Presidents have come from this club of people.
So many ways for it all to go wrong . . .
We have evolved a system that makes it difficult for the average person to succeed in life.
Part of the problem is the Income Tax that graduates higher as people gain more money.
Part of the problem is the way we deal with inheritance so that established rich families stay that way forever.
The idea of succeeding with a small business is often demolished by the massive tax system and its burden on common people.
In the last 50 years we have taken definite steps to keep people from becoming one of the rich.
In the last 50 years we have changed the way bastard children are handled. They are killed normally in abortions.
We have encouraged homosexual behavior.
We have encouraged birth control pills.
We encourage the weak. We have welfare. A good number of people cannot work and are forced into getting something for nothing in welfare. There is a definite system of sloth. There is a system where a person can work hard an entire lifetime and have nothing because of sickness. To qualify for medicaid that covers sickness one must be bankrupt. Or near it.
Our military takes the choice people and kills them. The weak, the crippled, the homosexuals, the sick, are given exemptions further weakening our species.
So I put it to you, is the Devil in charge of this planet? Or is our God in charge of this planet?
I am not intelligent enough to know why things are the way they are.
I have seen things that are just plain not right. Children dying where they shouldn’t. Innocent people victims of many things. That is a world run by the Devil. The pattern is there for anyone to see.
The chief god on this planet amongst humans has to be the worship of money. And that is one of the main problems we are all having to deal with. Because without money, we do not have the things we need like food, clothing, shelter, and respect. That is a devil thing.